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  • 2024-09-30     发布人:小米儿Sunny     阅读:

Hello everyone, I am Hao Zi! Follow me for the latest news on the game "Dream of the Three Kingdoms" every day! The following review represents only personal opinions, not official or platform positions. I have shown you several characters from the Jiuli City before, and many players have exclaimed after seeing their attributes! Leaving aside other attributes, just in terms of character damage, they are unmatched by other physical classes of the same level! This is also the reason why Jiuli City is becoming more and more popular! Moreover, looking at the Martial Arts Altar, Jiuli City seems to have slowly replaced the position of the Tang Dynasty Government in the killing lineup! Compared to the Tang Dynasty Government, Jiuli City has more violent output, more flexible operation, and stronger killing ability! This article continues to show you a character from Jiuli City, whose hardware is at the level of top-level server warfare, let's enjoy it together! The 175 top-level server warfare Jiuli City, with 17+11 hardware, is a great tool in various PK battles! The 175-level Jiuli City, without the temporary symbols, easily breaks through 4000 damage, and also has a speed of 1106, which is a height that other sects' physical classes cannot reach! The 160-level Shura Puppet Ghost Female Head with the initiative set, additional physical critical strike rate +1.01%, and forged with 16 red agates! The 160-level Hell War God Necklace with the initiative set, additional physical critical strike rate +1.01%, after smelting, has an initial spirit of 231, and forged with 16 relics! The 160-level simple Hell War God Weapon (Kun) with the transformation spell, with strength and agility both increased by 69, forged with 16 red agates! The 160-level simple Hell War God Weapon (Qian) with the blessing transformation spell, after smelting, agility and strength both increased by 58, forged with 16 red agates! The rings and earrings have three damage bonuses, and the accessories and bracelets have three defense bonuses, all forged with 11 starstones, with two rings, one forged with level 8 163, and the other is a level 8 Swift Steps that matches other spiritual ornaments! The 8-skill Wind Dragon Rising Mahayana Thunder Dragon, equipped with high agility, used for tasks! The 10-skill High Continuous Blood Attack Cat Spirit, also a baby used for tasking! Also a 10-skill High Continuous Cat Spirit, almost fully upgraded, more violent in normal tasks! The 14-skill Pure Land God Horse Barrier Child, with further growth potential! The 13-skill God Horse Blue Phoenix Rage High Continuous Demonized Child, a baby for both tasks and PK! The 10-skill Death Magic Defense Pure Land Condensed Light Refined Color God Horse Blood Pet Child, with 5 special skills, the best of the best! The other babies are all in the warehouse, so I won't show them one by one, they are all top-level server warfare pets! Well, this top-level 175-level server warfare Jiuli City is finished, compared to the Tang Dynasty Government, his damage is obviously higher, and he doesn't rest after taking action. I believe that in the future server warfare stage, we will often see the figure of Jiuli City, bringing you a more violent visual experience! What do you think of this sect Jiuli City? Share your thoughts!





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